I am...

I am a mom, an aspiring(wannabe) writer, a dance student, a software engineer, interested in everything organic and green and trying to balance all of this with an Arangetram that is coming up in August 2011!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Taking shape, still a blob though.

I discussed my arangetram with my friend who had done her arangetram about 2 years back. I felt silly discussing  the possible dances in my arangetram and how I should practise etc. at this stage -- as if it were still a mirage of the real thing and I was building castles in the air.

Anyway, yesterday, I met with my dance teacher and I circled a likely date, July 23rd 2011. I am still a bit nervous because by the time she is back from her trip and I am back from my India trip, we will be into October (Oct 10th to be precise) which gives me 10 days short of 10 months for my arangetram and I am going to be doing all new items for my arangetram, so can't really derive any comfort from familiarity. I learnt 2 new jathis for my Kavuthuvam of which I properly recorded only one (so mad at that camcorder!)

But yesterday and today, r~ (my 2 year old :) and I practised what little I remembered i,e she sort of jumped about while I tried to recall and dance. So this is it -- pillayar suzhi vechaachu!

I am going to try to get the thillana CD from this other girl who did her arangetram recently so I can start practising from it during the time my dance teacher is away. May the elements cooperate with me :)

Affirmation: My energy increases everyday and I feel the energy in me.

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