I am...

I am a mom, an aspiring(wannabe) writer, a dance student, a software engineer, interested in everything organic and green and trying to balance all of this with an Arangetram that is coming up in August 2011!

Monday, August 8, 2011


And yesterday it was!

Had an enjoyable and blessed arangetram!

Pushpanjali & Ananda Narthana Ganapathi: Pushpanjali went well. I was a bit nervous for Ananda Narthana Ganapathi -- until half of it, my thoughts were, "What did I sign up for?". I picked up confidence after half of it and by the time I transitioned to Muralidhara Kavuthuvam, it was all good.

Muralidhara Kavuthuvam -- This is a piece I have performed before on stage and I was pretty confident about it. So, from the start, it went well and my confidence grew. I was still holding back a tiny bit and not changing leg lifts to standing poses with both legs on the ground.

Varnam -- My confidence took off here. Especially, when I could do the abhinaya bits, I felt happy. The jathis came automatically to me. The singer in the orchestra took a chitta-swaram a bit different from we had planned but we ironed it out easily. At one point, my bells got stuck in my fan but that also went ok -- I couldn't be easily distracted from my varnam. I had found my zone :)

We had very little time for costume change after varnam  but I was in a high and went on to do a good job with Andal Thirupaavai inspite (Andru ivvulagam) of slightly different verses being sung from what we had practiced for. Loved the last bit when the door opens and Krishna comes out (my teacher had trained me well for that moment)! Loved the costume and make-up for it!

The next piece went very well. Maadu mekkum kanne -- it took a few verses for the singer and me to sync up but all went well. I held my smile in place and we were good to go. There was one point where I finished my walk before I should have but the song being in Tamil, I could easily cover up the extra lyrics!

The Thillana and Mangalam went well! I made up some impromptu on-beat steps for the Thillana and was thrilled about it -- didn't realized I could do it without showing a change of expression on my face!

The MCs rocked, 8 year old K~ gave a lovely speech about me, everything fell into place as my teacher said it would!

It was emotional day for my teacher, me and all my friends -- my thank you speech was well received. Still hasn't sunk in that the day is over...thanks to my teacher and everyone else who made it happen!

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